Justice through Creativity...
Rev. Clovice Lewis, who composed his first symphony at the age of 17, has written numerous works ranging from ensemble to electronic and orchestral pieces. He graduated from the prestigious College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1978 with a Bachelor's degree in Music Theory and Composition. Clovice studied composition with Aaron Copeland, Peter Fricker, Thea Musgrave, and Gordon Crosse. His cello teachers included Peter Preston, Peter Rejto, and Geoffrey Rutkowski.
He began teaching as a freshman at UCSB, and upon completion of his studies, accepted a position as an Associate Professor of Computer Music from 1978-1985. During the past 40 years, the music Lewis has composed has been performed by orchestras around the United States. You can visit www.jazzicalmusic.com for an extensive online catalog of Clovice’s music. Also, visit www.harlemvoicesmusical.com for Clovice’s newest musical called Harlem Voices©.
In addition to being a composer and cellist, an avid private pilot since 1987, and an inventor, Clovice has also enjoyed a dual, and extensive career as a technologist and serial entrepreneur since 1984. His companies have been at the forefront of desktop publishing, 3D modeling and animation, digital audio, computer-based training, computer programming, multimedia productions, and the design of sustainable communities.
Clovice received a Master of Divinity graduate degree in 2021 and was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister in March of 2022. His ministry emphasizes the dismantling of racial, class, and ethnic barriers, using music to counter oppression, and in preaching the gospel of the madness of human self-extinction.
He began teaching as a freshman at UCSB, and upon completion of his studies, accepted a position as an Associate Professor of Computer Music from 1978-1985. During the past 40 years, the music Lewis has composed has been performed by orchestras around the United States. You can visit www.jazzicalmusic.com for an extensive online catalog of Clovice’s music. Also, visit www.harlemvoicesmusical.com for Clovice’s newest musical called Harlem Voices©.
In addition to being a composer and cellist, an avid private pilot since 1987, and an inventor, Clovice has also enjoyed a dual, and extensive career as a technologist and serial entrepreneur since 1984. His companies have been at the forefront of desktop publishing, 3D modeling and animation, digital audio, computer-based training, computer programming, multimedia productions, and the design of sustainable communities.
Clovice received a Master of Divinity graduate degree in 2021 and was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister in March of 2022. His ministry emphasizes the dismantling of racial, class, and ethnic barriers, using music to counter oppression, and in preaching the gospel of the madness of human self-extinction.
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