Justice through Creativity...
This is an interview I had with John Moorehead on July 11, 2020 on the local public radio station KPFZ 88.1. On John’s show, “Citizen Lake”, we talked about race relations in the United States. Please take a listen.
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What is on my mind today is what I call the BWA (But What About?) tactic our conservative friends use to avoid discussing substantive issues. BWA is a symptom of what I call Rationality Avoidance (RA). Pick your topic... race, religion, Trump's failings, sexism, white supremacy, climate disruption. Do not be discouraged, disheartened, angry, or frustrated by the conversations you might have. Understanding the mechanisms behind Rationality Avoidance is essential.
I use this formula to help me with Rationality Avoidance: Rational Topic = (empirical data/history) x (relevancy + creativity) x justice Rationality Avoidance Topic = (subjective data/emotion) x (tradition + conformity) x expediency I use this formula for recognizing But What About?: Rational Topic = (substantive x current) + fact BWA Topic = (unassociated x inconsequential) + emotion I hope this helps. |
About this blog.This blog is a place where many of the confluences of my life can be shared. I am, at the core, a creative person. I approach everything from that basis... whether composing symphonies, playing the cello, being a serial entrepreneur, writing sermons and essays, flying airplanes, or creating software apps. I am deeply passionate about creativity, issues of social justice, and spiritual enrichment. These are fundamental to everything I do. Welcome to my journey! Categories
December 2024