Justice through Creativity...
No documents were taken…
It they were taken, they were classified. If they weren’t classified, they were planted. If they weren’t planted, they were declassified. If they weren’t declassified, then it’s all a hoax. If it’s not a hoax, then Obama did it. If you love me more than laws, you are worthy. If you give me money, you are doing God’s work. If you fight for me, you are a foot soldier for truth. If you overthrow the government, you are a patriot. If you elevate emotion and faith over fact, then welcome! Clovice Lewis
Once upon a time there was a huge inland lake. It was teeming with underwater plant life and a million varieties of fish. An entire civilization of people lived on the lake and depended on it for life. They lived on separate nationships of all kinds. They traded with each other. Sometimes they fought, absorbing the people from one boat into another. They made the captives work to rebuild the ships of the victors. Sometimes the captured workers eventually assimilated to the point of being virtually identical to the people who once oppressed them.
Most boats and ships on the lake were propelled by the wind. There were as many shapes of sails as there were sea craft. Everyone fished enough for their needs. One day a group of people with big guns attacked another ship and seized it. They made its people live in the corners and captured others to build a large ship they called “Merik". The attackers said, “Let us make a rule that this must always be the most opulent, fastest, most heavily armed, and most powerful ship on the lake. Let us make another rule that only our progeny can own and sail the Merik.” They built an engine to power the Merik that used fish and water as fuel. The byproducts of the engine were soot in the air and an oily film that polluted the water. But the few people who were the masters of the Merik lived in astonishing wealth and luxury. They kept the ship tall and narrow so it could slice through the water at a speed no others could match. The masters lived on top and built their living quarters above the workers they captured in ever higher layers. The Merik was not very seaworthy, but used the thrust from its powerful engines to keep it afloat. They also used their giant guns to blast other boats out of the water when they were threatened or angered. Over time the workers on the Merik gained some power. They said “Let us reshape the Merik so that its luxury is shared, so it is fast but seaworthy, armed but friendly, and powerful but cooperative. Let us also make a rule to let everyone own and sail the Merik so that the lake can be preserved.” All of the people of the Merik made this pledge. They scaled back the polluting, inefficient engine and erected the largest, most beautiful and efficient sails. They also transformed the single-hulled Merik into three large and deep streamlined hulls joined by broad platforms so that everyone could enjoy the sun. The luxury appointments were spread out on the platforms - not vertically placed. The once conquered people were welcomed to participate in improving the design of the ship and sharing its responsibilities. The Merik shared its products and ideas with others on the lake. Trade blossomed. The old engines of the Merik were to be discarded and most of the large guns were to be dismantled because the lake was being polluted and the environment was becoming unsustainable. More time passed. The lake became more polluted. Scientists warned that people needed to preserve the lake or everyone would die. Instead of cooperating with each other some nations started to build large ships like the Merik. There was competition to see who could build the fastest, most luxurious, most powerful ships. Big and little wars broke out as nationships were absorbed for their resources. Their people were killed or forced into economic slavery to support the few wealthy people living at the tops of their narrow ships. The progeny of the original makers of the Merik abandoned their pledges for fairness, cooperation, and preserving the lake for future generations because they were afraid of the future. They were afraid all the changes made in the ship and its ownership would make them unsafe. So, they insisted on reshaping the ship to the original specifications (they said “Make the Merik Great Again”). They discarded the sails and turned the old engines back on at full throttle. They pulled out their guns again to threaten everyone else and chopped away, without regard to designing a ship that would be sustainable for its crew and the lake it sailed upon. The scientists were correct. The end. Clovice A. Lewis, Jr. The Texas legislature hammered one of the final nails in the casket of Roe vs. Wade last week. It is horrific that women have been brutally relegated to the status of handmaids. The fact that abortion rights will be denied in our country after nearly fifty years should not surprise anyone. That should be no more surprising than voter suppression designed to sweep away fifty years of social progress. The permission for people to openly carry firearms without license or training eliminates many years of sensible gun control. It will be against the law to teach any sociologically based examination of the motivations, history, or consequences of race that makes a student “uncomfortable”.
If you want to understand what kind of world Republicans have in mind for our country look no farther than Texas, where all of the above-mentioned laws have been proposed and enacted. Who crafted these laws? Were they people of color? Were they women? Were they new citizens to our shores? Who gains from the Texas legal renaissance? Are they people of color? Are they women? Are they poor people? Are they new citizens? Are they young people who must understand the world in which they live? What the Supreme Court did to enable the Texas anti-abortion legislation was, indeed, terrible. But I am afraid people are missing the most important point. The Supreme Court let stand the part of the bill that allows anyone to sue anyone else who performs an abortion or aids in it or intends to aid in it... from anywhere. The law will prohibit state officials from enforcing the ban on abortions. That is because (and this is a new twist) Texas wants to compensate people who have not incurred any personal harm to sue for $10,000. “Witch-Hunting” has been propelled into the modern era. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote of the recent decision, “It cannot be the case that a State can evade federal judicial scrutiny by outsourcing the enforcement of unconstitutional laws to its citizenry”. The concept of “standing” has thus been obliterated. It has been sacrificed at the altar of toxic Christianity, toxic masculinity, and white supremacy. Why do I say that? Because the emerging trend in Republican-dominated legislatures is to find ways to enable constitutionally prohibited cultural grievances. To get around pesky Constitutional limitations that the legislators oppose they have perverted the role of the judicial branch by empowering private citizens to sue for civil remedies based on conjecture and feelings. This is the “poison bullet” that is aimed directly at the heart of democracy as we know it. Such anti-democratic laws that advance the rights of some over the rights of others will be protected by including a “private right of action” that the Supreme Court just allowed. A wide range of “grievance” laws, dealing with such topics as gun control, abortion, campaign finance, LGBTQI issues, voting rights, and even the old scourge of “miscegenation”, among others may be on the way. Let’s just be brutally honest about this. These laws have been enacted by mostly white people who have been pushing the Texas model of conservative Republicanism that is sweeping our nation. Women have been suddenly and shockingly beaten down. People of color, immigrants, transgenders, gay people, queer people, same-sex married couples, multi-racial couples... it is time to take note and fight. Allies in the cause for an inclusive, liberal, justice-centered society... it is time to stop talking and join the fight. Clovice A. Lewis, Jr. Social justice issues such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, environmental justice, racism, sexism, ageism, the eviction of millions of people during a dangerous pandemic, and so on are about the holding and exercise of power. This power is expressed as white supremacy, systemic racism, cast, sexism...
Social justice issues exist because, to some, power is more important than people, more important than good governance, and more important than “the common good.” They believe in a Darwinian, Ayn Rand, world of objectivism. Democracy is a loathsome anathema. People who are not privileged should not vote because they will ruin the power structure that oppresses them and supports the select. These people base their flagrant and bold, purposeful, and unvarnished legislation restricting the right to vote on a cynical lie. They have decisively proven that Democracy is a myth. The dream King charged our nation with 58 years ago today is dead. People who believe that reason must be tempered by faith are killing us by favoring political conspiracies over public health. A manifestly corrupt racist former president, twice impeached, who instigated an attack on our national capital, is a demigod for millions of our fellow citizens. He is their savior who will usher in an era of white greatness. Flags wave everywhere as a symbol of support for authoritarianism and anger at a perceived loss of privilege. Their fight for “freedom” is thus a struggle against liberal egalitarianism. Is King’s egalitarian, inclusive, human rights-centered vision of Democracy dead? His widow said, “Struggle is a never-ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation.” Will our generation fight for King’s vision? The danger is great, and the stakes are too high for the kind of pathetic lethargy I perceive. Can we rise above our ingrained biases and fears to struggle for the ideal of true Democracy in our nation? I sincerely hope so. It is what I wake up every morning to write and speak about. I am mindful some people supported the policies of the past president. Many claim their support is independent of the fact that he is a racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, sadistic, misogynistic, deluded insurrectionist. They say that as long as he was good for the economy in general and splendid for their 401 k account in particular, they couldn’t care less about his character, ideology, or morals. They claim his views are independent of their own.
Of course, these people are lying. Worse than that – if they do not explicitly denounce Trump or the GOPQ (Grand Old Party QAnon) party he now leads, they support their white supremacist authoritarianism. It is that simple. Why? Because the GOPQ has finally revealed itself as a party that only exits for the pure exercise of power at the expense of governance in the United States, that embraces corrosive lies at the expense of laws, that celebrates cruelty at the cost of justice and basks in the white supremacist glow of animus and self-righteous indignation. I could expound upon these statements with many more paragraphs of supporting fact and reason, but we all understand that fact and reason is not the realm in which Trumpites operate. So I will leave that to the comments section of this post, where others can eviscerate Trumpites. The question I ponder is the morality of the moment we find ourselves. I do not mean morality in a religious or judgmental context. I offer the following (standard) definition of morality as 1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior, 2. the set of standards that enable people to live cooperatively in groups, 3. the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper, 4. what societies determine to be “right” and “acceptable.” Sometimes, acting in a moral manner means individuals must sacrifice their own short-term interests to benefit society. Right or wrong actions that are taken according to a set of standards “that enable people to live cooperatively in groups” is the essence of what we are dealing with now. I submit that civilization can only be supported by people acting with good intentions towards that civilization, willing to engage in discourse, and respect resulting polity based upon fact and reason. It is supremely ironic and sad that the group of people in our society who claim truth, law, and order to be the group that seeks to subvert our society in every way. We all know the Fox News old motto of “Fair and Balanced” is a wink-wink inside joke that burst its putrid bounds in 2017. It was replaced by “Most Watched, Most Trusted” at that time. The “Fair and Balanced” mythology has emerged as a nomer for conservative-think that allows for a constant state of profound cognitive dissonance. This cognitive dissonance explains why so many have embraced the morally indefensible position of supporting the GOPQ white supremacist agenda without denouncing it. How do I dare link the GOPQ to white supremacy? Because the fact is that Trump is a racist, and the policies of his administration reflected his white supremacist views. Again, in the interest of whatever claim I can make to brevity, I will leave that assertion to the comments section of this post, where others can eviscerate Trumpites. So the question is, “Where do our conservative, maybe not Republican, maybe so Republican friends stand at this time?” Frankly, the word “conservative” has been forever soiled with the taint of Trumpism. It is theoretically possible to hold to a position that espouses traditional conservatism of limited government, “natural law and transcendent moral order, tradition, hierarchy and organic unity, agrarianism, classicism, and high culture as well as the intersecting spheres of loyalty” (according to Wikipedia). Such a position is difficult to honestly hold in the gale-force winds of a world-wide pandemic and wholesale dismantling of economic systems. As for “Republicans” of any stripe... you face an immediate moral imperative to remove yourself from this shill that has cuckolded a once legitimate political organization. Otherwise, you should not be surprised if your fellow citizens cannot distinguish you from its white supremacist doctrines or its racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, sadistic, misogynistic, deluded insurrectionist leader. |
About this blog.This blog is a place where many of the confluences of my life can be shared. I am, at the core, a creative person. I approach everything from that basis... whether composing symphonies, playing the cello, being a serial entrepreneur, writing sermons and essays, flying airplanes, or creating software apps. I am deeply passionate about creativity, issues of social justice, and spiritual enrichment. These are fundamental to everything I do. Welcome to my journey! Categories
December 2024